Month: February 2018

Lower Antelope and Horseshoe Bend, Arizona

Exploring the world and the wonders that it has to offer is something that has intrigued me since I was younger. Going school nonstop- during the semesters and summer ever since 6th grade till the end of college made it difficult to explore. However, I have made it a mission to do more exploring throughout my 2 gap years before I go to professional school.

This past summer, I had the opportunity to travel to Arizona with my big from my sorority. It was such a wonderful experience to be able to relax and enjoy nature, especially after finishing my undergraduate career! We spent the entire day in Arizona. We woke up around 3 am – 4 am, and caught a tour bus from Las Vegas to get there. Most of the time, the tour guide spoke in Mandarin but also included English here and there. Thankfully my big was there to translate. The drive was around 4 hours so we had a few hours to take a nap. I took full advantage of that but also enjoyed the view of the mountains and rock formations after being well rested. I did not realize how beautiful the dessert can actually be with all of the rock formations that have formed throughout the years. I have always been a water-lover but going on this trip definitely gave me more of an appreciation for the desert and what it has to offer despite the dry heat.

First, we went to Lower Antelope. We walked for about 10 minutes until we arrived at the area where we could go down the canyon. Having the proper attire and not having too many belongings are two important considerations for the walk. We went down multiple stairs and ladders. I was a little terrified of falling off the ladders but the excitement won the battle between excitement and fear. Here are a few pictures of my experience at Lower Antelope. It was such a surreal experience. I could have never in my life imagined of being in such a beautiful place in the middle of the desert of Arizona.

Lower Antelope is located at Navajo, Arizona. It is also called Hasdestwazi, spiral rock arches. The canyon has been shaped and sculpted, and softened by flash floods, especially during monsoon season. Flash floods still occur. One specific event was in October 2006 when a flood caused Lower Antelope to be closed for five months. Lower Antelope has been historically used to hunt antelopes and hide. Lower Antelope is filled with beauty and history.


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After Lower Antelope, our tour guide took us to different restaurants so that we could get lunch. My big and I ate at Subway. Then, we went to Horseshoe Bend. This was not as interactive as the walk through Lower Antelope but it was still marvelous and a great experience. It was a bit sentimental because the horseshoe reminded me of high school and my close friend who lives in Colorado. Horseshoe Bend is a bend on the Colorado River near the Grand Canyon. It’s so majestic. With the enormous rock formations, it made me feel small (in a good way). It reminded me that the world is so big. It gave me the perspective that worries and problems are so small in comparison with the wonders the world has to offer.

Thank you to my big for the best graduation present ever!


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These past few years, I have been working on being more intentional in my life. My focus has been to live a purposeful life and this year, is the year I have started to fully implement it and be stronger with my relationship with self and others. I have been aligning my hours, days, weeks, and months with being healthy physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Here is my game plan for achieving this in 2018.

Fitness Goals

  • Go to the gym at least 3 times a week.
    • Cardio dance 2X a week.
  • Walk 7-10 miles every Saturday and Sunday.

Intellectual Goals

  • Read or listen to one book a month.
  • Research a topic every week to learn more about the world we live in.
    • This can be medical inventions or different cultural dances, etc.

Career and Academic Goals

  • Shadow physicians and physician assistants.
  • Complete and excel in Microbiology and Anatomy 2.
  • Apply for Physician Assistant School.
  • Apply for another clinical job with more leadership skills.

Philanthropy and Service Goals

  • Do a school supplies and clothes drive for students at the Philippines.
  • Start working on creating a clinic at the Philippines for underprivileged communities.
  • Volunteer for an organization that means a lot to me.
  • Be a part of the Wish Tree at the University of Nevada.
  • Make 1,000 origamis for kids at the Children’s Miracle Network.

Actions of Self Love Goals

  • Do an action of self love at least once a week (if not every day).
  • Take dancing lessons (aside from cardio dancing).
  • Watch something funny when I can and feel like it.
  • Get updated with memes. (haha)
  • Journal.
  • Do meditation.
  • Try something new every month.
  • Complete at least one thing from my bucket list every month (or every 2 weeks).
  • Dress modestly.

Travel and Experience Goals

  • Travel to Colorado.
  • Travel to California.
  • Travel to Hawaii.
  • Travel to the Philippines.

Spiritual Goals

  • Strive for a stronger relationship with God.
  • Pray daily.
  • Attend bible studies and service.
  • Do fellowship.
  • Read the bible when I am by myself as well.
  • Journal and reflect.
  • Dress modestly.

Relationship Goals

  • Spend time with friends (new and old) every week (or at least message them).
  • Do something sweet for family and friends, especially when they are having a busy or difficult week.
  • Have deep conversations with family and friends.
  • Spend time wisely with loved ones.
  • Get to know families and friends more because we are ever changing.

Financial Goals

  • Save money for PA school applications and traveling expenses.
  • Save money for another car.
  • Start saving for retirement.