Month: December 2015

206. Make personalized Christmas cards to GUALA friends all over U.S.- Completed December 2014


Last summer, I met some of the most inspiring individuals in this world. We met at the GEAR UP Alumni Academy training in Washington D.C. Each of us were from different states: Washington, California, New York, Hawaii, Chicago, Nevada, and more. Each with a different story but with the same goal in mind. Throughout the days we had together, we became closer and closer. Christmas was coming around the corner and I wanted to do something for each of them. So, I decided to make each of them a personalized card because nothing says “I care about you a lot” than something you make with your own two hands. It took me a few days to make them but it was definitely worth it. Thank you to my GUALA family for continuously inspiring me and making this world a better place. Cheers to an amazing year of service!


207. Help build a home for underprivileged families- Completed May 2014


I had the privilege to volunteer at the Habitat for Humanity to help build homes and give hope for those in need. Habitat for Humanity Truckee Meadows is a nonprofit housing organization that builds homes, communities and hope. They construct, rehabilitate and preserve homes. They advocate for fair and just housing policies, and help families improve their shelter conditions by providing training and access to resources. “Habitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman, and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all” (Habitat for Humanity). I am happy to have been a part of their life long commitment to build homes for families.

This experience taught me that it is A LOT of work to build a house. I have so much more appreciation for the general contractors, and construction workers involved in building homes. As a Medlife group, we met at the Joe Crowley Student Union and arrived at the work site at 7:45 am. The work day started at 8 am and lasted until 2 pm. We put insulation and walls up. We also sanded the walls so that there weren’t any rough edges before staining. This was a bit difficult because there were a lot of wood dust that we would sometimes breath it. I think that was the most difficult part of the experience because having asthma made it really hard to breath. Something that helped out was opening all of the windows to let fresh air inside. This made it a bit chilly for us but nonetheless, made it easier to work. I didn’t know every single one of the people I went with but after working with them, I felt like I got to know them a little better.  I’m happy to have had this experience of supporting something that makes such a huge difference in our local community. Thank you to Medlife for giving me this opportunity.

If you are interested in volunteering for Habitat for Humanity as an individual or a group, please click here. It includes an individual and a group volunteer form along with a liability release form. If you plan on volunteering, make sure to wear sturdy shoes and clothes that you would not mind getting dirty. Also make sure to eat breakfast and or bring lunch and water because you will be there for about 6 hours. The site usually has gloves, and protective eye wear but make sure to bring some just in case they don’t. Happy volunteering!


Photo Credit: HandsOn Suburban Chicago

Positive Affirmations

November 6th, 2015: I’ve gone through so many struggles in life and what helps me hold on is this quote. Today, I relearned that no matter what happens, everything will be okay. It might be really hard at the beginning but it certainly will get better. Today, I am moving forward to a better tomorrow.


November 30th 2015: Note to self, don’t be so hard on yourself. You are amazing. You are strong!


December 6th 2015: Don’t ever feel sad about not being “enough” because you may be “everything” to someone. Remember that you have a lot to offer and that everything happens for a reason.


December 7th 2015: Keep having faith that things will get better. Someday, everything will make perfect sense.
